OutboundTelemarketing.Services Ltd

Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, England. EC1V 2NX


Geoffrey Morris

United Kingdom

We run a telemarketing agency, based in London, working remotely. We work as an outsourced extension of the sales force of the clients who use us. working to close the marketing gap between sales and marketing to provide strong, closable, sales focussed leads to fit neatly in the sales process of each of the client's business. We go beyond just repeating a script to prospects in the vain hope of hoping to get success. We work to understand a client, then build and plan a campaign around that, learning their products, how they fit in in the marketplace and understanding their customers - so we approach the customers the right way, as true representatives of their business. To make the campaign successful we employ natural conversations, with a focus to success, being prepared to respond to objections, turn a no into a yes, and doing all it takes to maximise conversions for maximum success.

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